3 Minutes of cold,
dozens of benefits
While in session, your body will react to the extreme cold condition by rapidly producing more blood cells, enzymes, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin as your skin temperature decreases to nearly 46 degrees. The effect this has on your body is extraordinary. Your body will burn an estimated 800 calories and your circulatory system will be empowered and enriched with fast-healing properties.
What are the
Elevate MOoD & strengthen IMMUNITY
The human body exposed to extremely cold temperatures triggers a hormonal response that prompts the release of endorphins in your body. This leads to a sudden rush of adrenaline both during and after your session, which will enhance your mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Our Electric Cryotherapy Technology allows your body to be completely exposed to sub-zero temperatures, from head to toe, meaning relief from headaches and migraines. The resulting improvement in mental health directly contributes to a stronger immune system. Additionally, Cryotherapy can enhance blood circulation and boost white blood cell production, equipping your body with the required boost to combat illnesses.
decrease PAIN & inflammation
Cryotherapy has proven to be effective in alleviating muscle pain, sports injuries, and arthritis by reducing inflammation and swelling. After a single session, you can experience immediate pain relief, although relief in some cases can take a few days. Just like icing for sore muscles, pain, and swelling, the sub-zero temperatures used in cryotherapy can accelerate the healing process.
boost PERFORMANCE & recover faster
Cryotherapy is an excellent option for muscle recovery, especially after a rigorous workout or a game, as it helps to alleviate soreness. Many athletes have adopted Cryotherapy for this purpose, as it offers the same benefits as ice, but at a faster rate. The exposure of the body to extremely cold temperatures can expedite the recovery process after exercise. Furthermore, Cryotherapy offers additional benefits such as increased mobility and flexibility, pain relief, and enhanced endurance. These advantages can provide a competitive edge and lead to an improvement in athletic performance.
“Cryotherapy has helped me recover quicker from my elbow surgery. My physical therapist was BLOWN away at how quick I recovered “”
“As a Covid Long-Hauler since 2020, many doctors, medications, and expenses, I was told about Cryotherapy. I discussed this option with Victoria and my nurse practitioner and decided to give it a try.
The Cryotherapy along with the Red Light Therapy and the benefits of the exercise equipment have not only helped my lungs, fatigue, hair loss, headaches, and muscles, but it has also restored my life and hope of normalcy.
Thank you, Unwind, for what you have given back to me.”
“The Cryotherapy has not only given me a good boost of energy each session, but has improved my lower back pain as well.”
“This is the place to get feeling right! The cryo chamber was awesome and I felt more alive than ever!””
Why choose Electric Cryotherapy
over Nitrogen Cryotherapy?
Because liquid nitrogen is dangerous when exposed to it, there are some concerns when it comes to nitrogen cryotherapy chambers. Some have reported forced air burns, lightheadedness, and respiratory issues. Electric cryotherapy, on the other hand, has a safety database of 500,000+ treatments with zero incidents.
When it comes to the use of cryotherapy, electric and nitrogen chambers are both beneficial but will create a different experience. The nitrogen chamber can only hold one person at a time and requires close supervision by staff members. Our electric cryo-chamber allows you to have privacy during your session. With our two-chamber cryo unit, you also have the option to experience Cryotherapy with a friend or family member at the same time!
Below are thermal images showing how effective electric cryotherapy is compared to traditional nitrogen cryotherapy. Notice how nitrogen only targets the legs down, while electric cryotherapy targets your entire body:
Electric Cryotherapy
Nitrogen Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is a three-minute session exposing the entire body to sub-zero temperatures to stimulate mental and physical health benefits. Once you step into our 2-chamber Cryo, the skin’s surface temperature drops to near freezing. This sends a cue to your nerve endings which then sends a signal to your central nervous system, immediately putting you into fight or flight mode. Your blood circulation will improve, and the production of serotonin and endorphins will be set into motion. Toxins are immediately disposed of by the stronger oxygen flow and nutrient-rich blood flow.
-All clothes must be dry
-Skin must be dry
-Remove all jewelry. No metal should be worn inside the cryo chamber. This means no wired bras for women. We recommend a cotton top/ sports bra.
-Ear protection (Provided)
-Gloves (Provided)
-Closed toe shoes
While it varies from person to person, we generally recommend 2-3 sessions per week for the first month to see results, and then at least one session every week or two thereafter to maintain the maximum benefits.
One session provides relief from inflammation and gives you a major boost of energy that will last all day. Three to six sessions give you increased energy and provide joint-pain relief and collagen production. After seven sessions, your body will begin to rehabilitate itself.
You can expect to feel improved energy and increased flexibility that can last several hours after your first session. You may also feel immediate relief from joint and muscle pain that can last from several hours to even days (results vary based on the individual). Also, expect an amazing night’s sleep after your first session!
Participants must be at least 14 years of age. If under 18, Parent/guardian must sign waiver prior to their cryotherapy session.