the fountain of youth shining down on you

relaxation and detoxification for a complete mind-body experience

Exercise at the cellular level

invigorating cold therapy and rejuvenating benefits

At Unwind, we are constantly striving to provide our community with the most comprehensive and integrative approach to health. That's why we are thrilled to announce our newest addition, Summit 23 - a 24-hour fitness center that perfectly complements our already established wellness facility.

Summit 23 is the perfect place for people of all ages and fitness levels, whether you're a professional athlete or just getting started on your health journey. With Unwind right next door, you can seamlessly integrate recovery, weight loss, pain management, and rejuvenation into your fitness routine. It's the ultimate convenience for anyone with a busy schedule! Come and experience our unique approach to health and wellness.

             -Unwind & Summit 23 Team

our mission,

our passion